Destination Digital

Find Us In Leicester Square In November for The Forward Ladies Awards 2023!

Destination Digital Marketing is off to London again in November! We are thrilled to be announced as a finalist in the Forward Ladies Awards 2023. The awards ceremony will take place 24 November in the heart of Leicester Square in central London and we can’t wait!

2023 has been one wild ride! So it is with true delight that we opened an email on a wet September afternoon to find that we have been finalised in the Forward Ladies Awards for 2023.

We spent time last year with the wonderful Forward Ladies community up in Leeds, so are thrilled to be returning to the group, but this time spending the day with everyone at The Londoner Hotel, that’s at the epicentre of London’s entertainment district in the West End on Leicester Square.

We kicked off our 2023 awards season back in May for a black tie dinner at St Mary’s, Marylebone for The Small Awards, and we had *such a good time* with our fellow finalists on our table. Our post-awards celebrations ended in the wee hours after an ill-advised session of after-party Jägermeisters. Not bad going for a group of strangers thrown together by the fortune of seating plans!

We were then announced as finalists in the British Small Business Awards 2023.  The wait for the British Small Business Awards was going to be a long one, where we were to wait until October for the awards ceremony; again another black tie event, but this time to be held at the British Museum. How thrilling!

It was a huge disappointment to find out that the train and tube strikes were scheduled for the same day, so the awards evening has been set back to the 14th of November instead. So our fingers need to remain crossed for a little while longer.

A much shorter wait was for the Woman Who Solopreneur Awards, with an announcement of finalist status, the judging interview day and the awards ceremony in Rugby all taking place swiftly inside a two week period. Phew!

In between our own awards activity, MD Debbie Porter has also been giving back to the small business community. Acting as judge in the StartUp Awards 2023, and sitting as judge for the National Business Women’s Awards 2023 has thrown insight into the hard work put in by legions of judges who volunteer their time to go through scores of submissions, marking them thoroughly to help crown the rightful winners as a mark of recognition for their achievements. We’ll be at the National Business Women’s Awards in November, which falls the day after the British Small Business Awards the night before, so those party dresses and heels will be put through their paces.

And then finally we are helping one of our clients celebrate their shortlisting in the MAKE UK Awards. We helped our friends at Weiss Technik UK put together a strong application for the Best Business Growth category in this year’s MAKE UK Awards, and so we will be accompanying them to the National Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham on the 1st of November. So it’s fingers crossed for them too, and a whole November full of partying in interesting places!


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If you’d like to talk to us about this news (hey, we’d love a congratulations and well done!) or anything in the digital marketing sphere, then please email us on or give us a call on 01629 810199.


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If you’d like help with digital marketing, ads management, SEO, copywriting, websites, branding or social media management… or anything else related to the internet and digital, then get in touch with us. We’re a friendly bunch.

You can email us on or give us a call on 01629 810199 or you can use the contact form at the bottom of this page.