Destination Digital

Digital Marketing Isn’t A Silver Bullet For Your Business Issues

We’re a digital marketing agency. We are here to tell you that digital marketing won’t fix everything for your business and it won’t make you an overnight millionaire. It probably won’t even make you a millionaire full stop.  Strange advice for a digital marketing agency to dispense perhaps, especially given all those annoying ads we see from other agencies promising you the opposite, but bear with… Read on for more doom and gloom!

We’re proud to say that we’ve helped many businesses generate millions of pounds of revenue through digital marketing, but we’re also not so testosterone-fueled with our egos to tell you that we did it all alone (and… ahem… you will find a lot of agencies out there claiming this kind of nonsense).

Here are a few digital marketing false claims and myths we see bandied around:

  • You will get a £multi-thousand order from one tweet/LinkedIn/Instagram post etc.
  • Digital marketing will lift your sales by a guaranteed %age
  • You can drive sales to your online shop in preference over other online competitors
  • Google Ads replaces the need for SEO
  • Instagram Reels is the new way to become a millionaire
  • Engagement on social translates to lots of £££s

Very exceptionally, some of these scenarios do happen from time to time; these rare occurrences then become the story told by other agencies which is misleading if you are looking for the same kind of quick-fix magic to happen for your brand. So, beware of stories that sound too good to be true. They usually are.

Let’s break it down in these individual articles.

Looking at digital marketing agency case studies about singular digital marketing disciplines doesn’t always tell the whole story, so don’t take them at face value without digging a little deeper. It is rare that an advertising, PR or social media campaign alone provides breakthrough for a brand, for instance. There are other strands in the marketing mix that contribute to the success of new initiatives, and these one-off campaigns are usually standing on the shoulders of an already fairly solid marketing foundation and good sales and fulfilment processes.

Putting a digital marketing plan into play requires a consistent approach where you work on it week-in, week-out to get incremental gains to urge your brand on forwards to where you need it to be.  Ensuring brand consistency across all your channels, making your website the centre of your digital strategy and looking at external influencing factors that might affect all your best laid plans is crucial to making the most out of an externally sourced marketing agency’s skills.

To make a success of any third party bought-in service, you will also need to work at it yourself and remain engaged in the process.

You wouldn’t buy a new kitchen for your home and then walk out telling the fitters to do what they wanted with it, expecting the finished result to be exactly what you wanted. You’d want to choose the materials, design features, the colours and finishes to achieve the look you had in your mind’s eye. Engaging the professional services of digital marketing agencies is the same process of briefing and sharing expectations of the finished result if you want to achieve what you have in mind for your brand.

Extending this analogy, you also need to be realistic when approaching your aims if your budget doesn’t match up to your ambitions.  So, you wouldn’t declare to your kitchen fitters that you wanted to achieve 50% more space and expect it just to materialise without also investing in building extension work to provide that physical space. The fitters would be the first ones to turn around to tell you that your expectations were unrealistic.  And so it goes with the aims in marketing if you are shooting a little too high for the stars, expecting untold successes off a budget of a few hundred pounds a month.

So, before you get seduced by the bullish claims of agencies who guarantee excellent ROAS on Facebook campaigns post-iOS privacy changes, or that promise you great returns via an Ads or SEO campaign, take a step back and consider again to question what is realistic.

If you want an honest appraisal of where you should be setting your expectations, get in touch for a chat.


Contact us

We’re proud to say that we’ve helped businesses generate millions of pounds of revenue through digital marketing. If you’d like help with your digital marketing email us on or give us a call on 01629 810199 for a quick chat.

contact us

If you’d like help with digital marketing, ads management, SEO, copywriting, websites, branding or social media management… or anything else related to the internet and digital, then get in touch with us. We’re a friendly bunch.

You can email us on or give us a call on 01629 810199 or you can use the contact form at the bottom of this page.