Destination Digital

We Made It Through Q2, Quarter 3 Is Upon Us So Let’s Keep The FSB Wheels Rolling!

How are we in Q3 already?! We’ve had a brilliant six months of networking in Bakewell this year so far, and we don’t plan on slowing down the big, mean, networking machine anytime soon! Keep reading to find out what’s in store for Q3.

What 👏 a 👏 start 👏 to 👏 2024! 👏

We are sure that you will be super relieved to hear that our FSB networking events in Bakewell will be continuing into Q3! Since beginning these events little over a year ago, their popularity hasn’t faltered at all. In fact, every month we find ourselves welcoming more new faces to these networking events, and it’s great to see so many of these new faces return in the months following.

The first half of 2024 saw a number of incredible speakers take the floor, providing valuable tips and advice that we’re sure a lot of the small businesses in attendance made note of!

A Recap on Q2 Bakewell Networking Sessions

April 2024, Angela Williamson

For our first Q2 session we had the amazing Angela Williamson from Peak District Counselling, who spoke about the impact stress can have on small business owners and what steps we can take to reduce and manage stress.

Angela is a familiar face here at Peak District National Park Authority, as she is a tenant just upstairs from where we host the meetings! Angela’s talk was very enlightening, as most small business owners forget to budget any time in their schedule to reflect on their mental wellbeing. To be armed with the tools to recognise and deal with it in an efficient way is super important!

May 2024, Paul Dolan

Paul Dolan is an Independent Financial Advisor from Basecamp Financial Planning and also a regular attendee of our sessions.

With over 20 years’ experience in financial services and a qualified member of the Chartered Insurance Institute’s Personal Finance Society, Paul gave a brilliant talk about the role that financial planning plays in helping us fulfil life’s adventures and dealing with any hiccups that life throws at us along the way.


June 2024, Dr Peter Dewhurst

Peter Dewhurst, the Chair of the Board for Business Peak District (BPD), joined us in June to share BPD’s priorities for action with FSB members and to listen to our attendees’ feedback on experiences of doing business in and from within the Peak District, which will be used to inform BPD’s lobbying activities.

Peter has a call to arms for businesses in the Peak District to join the conversation to help lobby for the interests of businesses that call the Peak Park their home. Join in voice with likeminded

What’s Coming Up in Q3?

July 2024

Up first in Q3, we have a super exciting event showcasing the brand-new Peak District Business Hub based right here at Aldern House! The new business hub, provided by the Peak District National Park Authority, provides a fabulous co-working space for local businesses and freelancers to come and work from when they need to get their heads down and focus.

July’s event will be a mix of networking and getting the opportunity to have an exclusive look at this brand new space. What’s more, the room backs onto a marvellous outdoor space so we can throw open the doors and take our networking event outside – if the weather is kind to us! Either way, there’ll be some cheeky nosecco and mock Aperol spritz so you can join us in celebrating the opening of this exciting new venture and get in the mood for summer.

If you’re interested in coming along, whether that be for the networking or because you’re seeking somewhere to work from every now and then, follow the link below to register.

🗓️ 24th July

⏰ 17:00 – 18:30

👛 Free

August 2024

In August, our very own Debbie Porter, Managing Director of Destination Digital and host of the FSB Bakewell networking events, will be up at the front and providing an incredibly valuable talk about how small businesses can implement their digital marketing mix into their business strategies.

Almost 90% of small businesses now use digital marketing in some shape or form, but there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye – a challenge a lot of businesses find themselves facing. With over 30 years’ experience in the scene, and having worked within the corporate world and with various clients as a marketing consultant, Debbie has the best tips and advice for businesses that are looking to implement or improve their digital marketing strategy.

🗓️ Wednesday 21st August

⏰ 17:00 – 18:30

👛 Free


September 2024

For this month’s event we will be inviting the wonderful Lisa Tennant up to give a talk.

Lisa is a return member of our networking sessions and always contributes her food for thought. She is the Managing Director of her own small business, L.T. VA Services, who provide affordable business solutions.

If you’re interested in being a speaker in Q4, or know someone who might be, please drop us an email on and we’ll be more than happy to pass your details onto the FSB.

🗓️ Wednesday 18th September

⏰ 17:00 – 18:30

👛 Free


Contact us

If you’d like to talk to us about this news piece, or you’d like help with digital marketing strategy, content marketing, SEO or anything else digital, please email us on or give us a call on 01629 810199.

contact us

If you’d like help with digital marketing, ads management, SEO, copywriting, websites, branding or social media management… or anything else related to the internet and digital, then get in touch with us. We’re a friendly bunch.

You can email us on or give us a call on 01629 810199 or you can use the contact form at the bottom of this page.