Destination Digital

Hello & Welcome On Board To The Yorkshire Sausage Company

We are living in the midst of a recession, and so what more apt a company to welcome to our portfolio of clients than the Yorkshire Sausage Company! Welcome on board, folks!

The cost of living crisis is a whole mood in 2022, and so we are really pleased to say hello to the Yorkshire Sausage Company who are bringing a family-friendly and household-finance friendly pork sausage to market.

Elisia Proctor is the face behind (or actually the face right up front!) of the Yorkshire Sausage Company, which is an endeavour borne out of her situation as a single-parent mum of two young children. Getting the texture right for her two young girls was priority number one, and getting a decent quality pork sausage onto the shelves of supermarkets at a price her single mum income could afford was just as important. So she made a bold move and asked her employers to help her produce the ideal pork sausage at an affordable price, and they said yes!

There are already supermarket listings for Yorkshire Sausage Company in Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Tescos and the Co-Op, so we were asked to help amplify the brand to give it an extra boost to cement this new brand in people’s minds when they next hit the shops. And we can vouch for the fact they pass the kid test as chuffin’ tasty!

🛒 See where you can find Yorkshire Sausages in Morrisons stores, or click right through for an online shop.

🛒 Find them in your local Sainsbury’s supermarket, or buy online.

🛒 If you’re looking to find Yorkshire Sausages in Tescos, or want to buy in your next online shop, click through to find out more.

🛒 There’s also a list of Co-Op stores that stock Yorkshire Sausage company too!

Go check them out. We’ve already spotted them in our local Co-Op, and although we work with lots of brands who have products on the shelves across many UK retailers, we still fan-girl when we spot a brand we work with 🥰


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