Destination Digital

How Can AI Help You with Your Social Media Marketing?

AI has revolutionized not just marketing, but modern life in ways we could hardly have imagined some 15 years ago. From powerful automation tools to insightful analytics, AI offers both incredible opportunities and, at times, daunting challenges. It’s already woven into so much of our daily digital experience, often without us even noticing. But, when it comes to marketing your business on social media, AI can be a game-changer. So, how can we use AI for our social media marketing strategy?

AI has been instrumental in shaping social media as we know it today, and without it, the social platforms we have today would almost be unrecognisable and, arguably, they wouldn’t be even half as popular in today’s digital landscape.

Many of us are on social media in some shape or form, whether it’s for personal or business use. Every time we open a social media platform like Instagram or TikTok, AI is working hard in the background to show you what it thinks you want to see on your feeds. But, this isn’t all it’s doing! AI is everywhere you look on social media, making it a powerful tool for businesses to enhance their social media strategy. So, what AI tools are available to businesses, and how can you start using them in your social media strategy?

Content Recommendations and Personalisation

Try to picture social media without any personalised content feed whatsoever…pretty difficult, right? Well remove AI, and you remove the backbone of the success that social media is today! Without prioritising content based on user behaviour, social media feeds would show posts completely randomly rather than pushing recommended posts using AI. Feeds without the use of recommendations and content personalisation would be similar to what early social media platforms were like.

For businesses, AI-driven content recommendations are key to reaching the right audience, increasing engagement, and driving conversions by ensuring your posts are seen by the users most likely to interact with them.

Topic Tagging and Categorisation

AI on social media uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to automatically tag and categorise content, making it easier for users to discover relevant posts based on the subjects they are interested in. This is how LinkedIn and Twitter (X) auto-suggest hashtags or topics for users to follow, so using hashtags can reap huge benefits. Strategically using these AI-suggested hashtags can significantly boost visibility and engagement for your business on social media. However, it’s always a good idea to have a quick scan with your own eyes to ensure you’re using relevant hashtags, as AI technology can sometimes throw in weird quirks!

Text and Image Generation

Many brands and influencers are now using text-generation tools to help write captions and create visual content—a development that’s both a blessing and a curse. For solo business owners looking to save time on social media marketing, AI tools like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, or the new generative AI photo features on Canva and Photoshop can be a game-changer, helping you stay on top of your content strategy.

These innovations have transformed how people create and share on social media, significantly increasing content output. However, while content automation offers many benefits, it’s important to recognize that some AI-generated material can be inaccurate or unreliable. So, if you decide to incorporate automated content into your social media strategy, always take the time to proofread and ensure the message aligns with your personal or brand identity. A little extra attention can make all the difference in maintaining your authenticity.

Content Curation

It’s safe to say that one of the most time-consuming aspects of social media marketing is curating trending content to share with your audience, for those who aren’t aware of what content curation is, it is the process of finding and sharing content with your online followers – which is half of the process when publishing social media content as part of your social media marketing.

AI algorithms on social platforms don’t just mean that content is recommended and personalised, but they also provide brilliant content ideas through trending videos – making time spent doom-scrolling significantly lower meaning time and effort can be implemented elsewhere to improve social media marketing results!

Customer Support

Having social media be able to answer customer queries 24 hours a day is an absolute godsend, and can improve customer satisfaction tenfold. Back in 2021, Meta added messaging automation to the platform, meaning no matter the time a message is received, a reply can be sent.

The ability for social media to handle customer queries 24/7 is a game-changer, and can help to dramatically boost customer satisfaction. In 2021, Meta introduced messaging automation, allowing businesses to respond instantly, regardless of when a message is received. This ensures that customers always get a timely reply, no matter the hour.

These AI chatbots can answer FAQs, assist with orders and provide product recommendations, all based on prompts from certain keywords. For example, if a user types “price”, the bot can automatically send a response with details about the price list for products or services.

There are unlimited automated responses you can set up for all manner of incoming enquiries using specific keywords or commands that AI recognises, meaning if you put the initial effort in when setting up automated messaging, you can allow chatbots to deal with incoming enquiries almost entirely independently.

Incorporating AI into your social media strategy can truly transform how you engage with your audience, streamline your efforts and ultimately grow your business. From personalised content recommendations to automated customer support, AI provides businesses with the tools to enhance their social media presence, boost engagement and improve customer satisfaction. However, it’s important to strike the right balance. While automation can save time and increase output, it’s essential to maintain authenticity and ensure that the content you share aligns with your brand’s voice and values. By using AI thoughtfully and strategically, businesses can harness their full potential to thrive in today’s competitive world of social media.


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