Destination Digital

Quick tips on GA4: Altering Your Data Retention Default

Do you have a GA4 account running?

Great! There is one top tip you need to pay attention to. So go and do this right away.

The account will default to storing only 2 months of user and event data, so you need to change a setting to max it out to the maximum setting of 14 months.

Here’s how.

  • Go to your GA4 account, click Admin in the bottom left corner
  • Go to the Property column and then to the drop down called ‘Data Settings’ to reveal an option to select ‘Data Retention’.
  • You will see on this screen that it says 2 months (see the picture below for what you should be seeing on screen). Change this to 14 months and then click Save.

Done. You’re welcome!

It has to be said, that we haven’t welcomed the switch to GA4 with open arms. It’s got digital marketers everywhere having to totally rethink how they measure digital marketing activity by using an interface that bears no relation to the Universal Analytics interface we’ve all ‘grown up with’ in our careers.

But accept it, we must. So we’ll keep on sharing snippets we learn on the way, to help you out too. If you have any other top tips, then get in touch with us, we’d love to hear about them.


Contact us

Obviously, if Analytics and the new GA4 is all beyond you, get in touch and we can sort it out for you.  Just email us on or give us a call on 01629 810199 and we will sort out the rest for you.

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If you’d like help with digital marketing, ads management, SEO, copywriting, websites, branding or social media management… or anything else related to the internet and digital, then get in touch with us. We’re a friendly bunch.

You can email us on or give us a call on 01629 810199 or you can use the contact form at the bottom of this page.