Destination Digital

Transform Your Social Media Strategy with Visit Peak District & Derbyshire’s Free Workshops

If you are a creator, maker or artisan food and drink business based in the High Peak, then take a look at the second round of our fully-funded social media workshops brought to you by Visit Peak District & Derbyshire.

Are you a High Peak small business owner looking to use social media to help you reach new audiences and unlock the power of Instagram and short-form videos?

Join our Managing Director, Debbie Porter, as she leads two more sessions on using social media to reach new audiences for your creative business on behalf Visit Peak District & Derbyshire. There are two dates in October that have been released, so keep reading and sign up to reserve your space. These workshops are funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and High Peak Borough Council.

Free of charge, and funded by High Peak Borough Council, these masterclass sessions will take you on a deeper dive into the finer intricacies of making social media a tool that works for your business and not just another chore.

Debbie delivered the first two Visit Peak District & Derbyshire workshops in March, both of which went down a storm with all attendees who left feeling motivated to get cracking. So, it seemed that it was only right to bring them back during the second half of the year to help businesses ramp up their social media marketing for the build-up to Christmas – a huge time for all creators and makers!

So, When’s the Next Lot of Workshops?

We have two dates in October at either end of the High Peak to make it as easy as possible for you to attend if upping your social media game is something you’re interested in. Check out the dates and locations below and hopefully we’ll see you there!

🏡 New Mills Golf Club, New Mills
🗓 Wednesday 02 October 2024
⏰ 09.30 – 16.30
👉 Register here.


🏡 The Palace Hotel, Buxton
🗓 Thursday 10 October 2024
⏰ 09.30 – 16.30
👉 Register here.

And what’s more, we’ll keep your brains fuelled with lunch at both sessions to help you keep the ideas flowing!


Not in the High Peak, But Interested in Social Media Training?

After sharing the news about these sessions earlier in the year, lots of people were in touch to ask about training in other parts of Derbyshire.

Whilst these sessions are provided by funding from High Peak Borough Council, and so free of charge to attendees in that area, we could be persuaded to run this session for a small fee per attendee and then run it here in Bakewell at Aldern House at the new Peak District Business Hub.

It would have to be a fee paying workshop, and we would likely need 10-15 people to book to make it viable, and so get in touch with us to register your interest and we can look at running a session if we can find enough people to allow it to go ahead.


Contact us

If you’d like to talk to us about this news piece, or you’d like help with digital marketing strategy, content marketing, SEO or anything else digital, please email us on or give us a call on 01629 810199.


contact us

If you’d like help with digital marketing, ads management, SEO, copywriting, websites, branding or social media management… or anything else related to the internet and digital, then get in touch with us. We’re a friendly bunch.

You can email us on or give us a call on 01629 810199 or you can use the contact form at the bottom of this page.