Destination Digital

Faith In Nature Have Launched In Walmart & Target In The USA

We’ve been working with Faith In Nature since 2018, and they have a long-established presence in the UK and Europe. When they launched into Walmart and Target in the USA in summer 2021 we helped them with a digital presence strategy to help the brand gain a foothold in this new territory.

We’ve looked after Faith In Nature’s UK SEO, social ads, Bing Ads and Google Ads campaigns for quite some time, dating back our relationship to 2018.  But 2021 was the year that the brand hit America!

With distribution deals in the USA with four major chains – Walmart, Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond and Sam’s Club – we were drafted in to help work on the creation of a new website to represent the brand as well as establish a Google Ads presence to help the brand become visible in this territory for consumers discovering Faith In Nature on the shelves in stores for the first time.

The Challenge

With no digital presence at all, and the need to support the new in-store listings we needed to help the brand hit the ground running as fast as possible in the USA.

The Solution

When the client first approached us about this, the first product listings had just been accepted in Walmart and Target. There was a need to support these in-store listings with ad spend support, so we suggested establishing a locally hosted website that would contain conversion points to give the brand a place to focus its PPC efforts.

We suggested that the first place to start would be to create a website. Even though there would be no direct-to-consumer sales activity in this territory, we had to conceive a way of building a website that had purpose, sufficient quality of content and that displayed the brand’s core values to prospective customers seeing the products on the shelves for the first time in stores in the USA.

Creating a series of conversion points in the website allowed us to gather data that we could feed back to the supermarkets in terms of PPC driving visitors to the online stores, but also driving visitors into physical bricks and mortar stores as well. The existence of a website that had conversion points that were auditable then allowed us to set up Google Ads support activity. Due to starting from a zero digital footprint vantage point, these first two building blocks have enabled the brand to have a presence in this territory whilst other mechanisms such as social media and strengthening SEO and PR are put in place.

Go and check out the brand new website and the product range at


Contact us

If you’d like help with digital marketing strategy, please email us on or give us a call on 01629 810199.

contact us

If you’d like help with digital marketing, ads management, SEO, copywriting, websites, branding or social media management… or anything else related to the internet and digital, then get in touch with us. We’re a friendly bunch.

You can email us on or give us a call on 01629 810199 or you can use the contact form at the bottom of this page.